GrandMa's Gooseberry Wine Recipe


  • 1 Gallon of Water
  • 2 1/2 Pounds of Gooseberrys
  • 1 Campden Tablet
  • 1/4 Teaspoon of Grape tannin
  • 2 Pounds of sugar
  • 1/2 Teaspoon of acid blend
  • 1/2 Teaspoon of yeast nutrient
  • 1/2 Teaspoon of pectic enzyme
  • Wine yeast
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Top, tail and rinse the berries then put into a bucket or large bowl and squeeze by hand or squash using a spoon until they are pulpy. Add the pectic enzyme and water then add the campden tablet and let it rest for 12 hours, then add the rest of the ingredients except the yeast. Allow to stand for 3 days, well covered and stir occasionally. Strain the mixture. Then add the yeast and yeast nutrient. Put the gooseberry wine into a fermenting bottle until fermentation has finished. Rack the wine and then rack again in 6 months. Then age for 1 year and enjoy.

Feel free to use this recipe, it is delicious.

Goose-gog Grog Recipe


  • 5 Pounds of Gooseberrys
  • A wineglass of gin
  • 4 Pounds of sugar
  • 5 qts Water
Recipe Picture


First top, tail and wash the gooseberries. Then put them in a bowl or pan and sqaush them with a spoon. Pour water over the pulp and leave it covered for 1 week. After the week strain them through a sieve. Press as much pulp as you can through, the point of straining is so that the skins are not in the wine. Put the thinner pulp into the pan and add your 4 pounds of sugar, stir well until it has dissolved in the mixture, once it has dissolved add the gin and leave for a few hours.

Pour this into a demijohn but do not put on the bung yet. Leave it so it can ferment, it wont take long. When it has fermented strain the liquor from the mixture and pour the wine into a clean demijohn and bung tightly. Leave this for 6months, at least, then pour into bottles, but keep for another 6months before drinking the wine.