Gooseberry Wine
About Gooseberrys
The gooseberry is related to the currant, and its culture is nearly identical. There are green, red, white and yellow-fruited varieties, most are a similar size to a grape. Gooseberrys have some very nice characteristics! In addition to being a scrumptious and easy to grow, gooseberries can be used as a barrier/blocking plant as they have sharp thorns as their defence.They are also one of the only fruits that will still grow in shade. They grow to 3 to 5 ft and have small, appealing, palmate leaves.
Gooseberries are tough plants and can be grown in winter temperatures. They can grow in shade, but perform better in the sun. Gooseberries prefer a fertile soil, but grow well in most soil. They need decent drainage, and do best if clipped slightly every year.